Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The First

Ah, my first blog post in blogger. Not that I am new to blogging, mind you. It's just that it has been a busy four years and blogging had been the last thing on my mind. I have been to a lot of blogging sites like LiveJournal, and am still posting my blogs there from time to time, but now with my studies finished, I can finally have more time in these little things called blogs.

The firsts in life are those always looked upon, or greatly acknowledged. Nobody recognizes the second placer much more than the first one, if I remember correctly. Despite the nature of the ranking, people give much attention to the first. First Black President, First Woman Prime Minister, First Kiss, First Smile, First Date... the list goes inexhaustibly on and on.

I wonder if I could make a good mark on my first blog post. Tell me if I haven't. Besides, if I indeed haven't, then there wouldn't be anyone to tell me, since there would be no readers... :D

I guess that's it for my first words.

Until the next post...

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